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Property Care

Protect your investment.

Ensure your landscape matures gracefully with property care services from Landmark Group.

Expert maintenance from a team you trust.

Let the team that designed your landscape and gardens look after them too. With expert horticulturalists on staff, Landmark’s property care team will preserve and sustain your landscape so it reaches its full value and potential.

Meticulous & courteous crews.

Whether it’s putting the final touches on the bed edge, monitoring your plant health or ensuring your hot tub lid is secured, our friendly and punctual crews make sure your property is truly cared for — and always left looking meticulous.

An extensive selection of services.

Existing Landmark clients can choose from an extensive selection of property care services for the ultimate experience. Smaller enhancement projects with minimal design and construction are also available as part of your service plan.

Property Care Services
  • Weekly turf cutting
  • Weed management
  • Spring & fall clean-ups
  • Lawn, garden & tree-well edging
  • Bi-weekly garden maintenance
  • Lawn & garden fertilization
  • Mulching & cultivating of garden beds
  • Turf aeration, overseeding & top-dressing
  • Naturalized plant division & transplanting
  • Seasonal plantings, decorating & lighting
  • Irrigation system installation & maintenance
  • Landscape lighting installation & maintenance
  • Tree & shrub pruning
  • Pest control
  • Tree care

Get started today.

To request property care services on your property, call 519.599.2957, email [email protected] or fill out the form below.